Partner with Us

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Like us, I’m guessing you’re tired of the same old cookie-cutter programs that line the Christian airwaves. The gospel is exciting and so should the programming be that represents our Lord and earth’s final message… it’s time to jump out of the mold and let the Donkey talk! When that happens people will pay attention! Hearts and lives will be changed—forever.


Talking Donkey International is NOT two people sitting in overstuffed chairs around a coffee table in a lighted studio with plastic plants all over the place… NO, NO! TDI is way out of the ordinary—we’re inviting you to become a part of this exciting, and innovative outreach to the people of the world. Time is short.

Other Ways to Help


Urgent Needs

The very nature of Talking Donkey’s “out-of the-box” production style–designed to reach a greater number of hearts and lives–means the needs of the Ministry are unique and specialized. 

See Our Needs
Planned Giving

Learn how your legacy gift will continue touching hearts and lives for many years to come. Plan for your future today. Read more about it.

Learn More


Become a financial partner today and, together, we will change the way the gospel is delivered to the world. Because of you, lives will be saved for eternity.